New Articles

This announcement makes it to this site a bit late, but as they say in my town, better late than never. I am announcing the publication of yet another two of my articles.

The first one is a review of the thirty bees ecommerce solution, and it has been published on Linux Magazine #284. What sets this article apart is that it features a tutorial for installing and running a thirty bees web store on an OpenBSD server, alongside the review proper. I wrote this tutorial after evaluating thirty bees for replacing the framework which hosts my current web store. Eventually I decided the migration was not the effort, but I think thirty bees is worth checking if you are starting a new project.

The second article is a quick tutorial for using Sake, an automation tool that strikes as a lightweight version of Ansible. Upon closer inspection, it is obvious Sake isn’t an Ansible drop-in replacement at all (nor it intends to be). Nevertheless, Sake is quite useful for running concurrent tasks across multiple servers at once. It can’t do nothing you can replicate with a mound worth of shell scripts, but Sake comes in a tight manageable package, so it is worth keeping an eye on it. The article has been published on ADMIN #91.