Hello, dear friends! With the excuse of my incoming birthday, I am organizing a digital boardgaming orgy for every friend of mine to partake!
The party will consist on playing as many matches as we can stand of Terraforming Mars, a boardgame in which each player represents a corporation that, with funding from the Earth government, must try to turn Mars into an inhabitable planet. Manage your patents and projects, administrate scarce resources, and raise the planet’s oxygen, water and temperature levels up to their target value before your opponents beat you to it!
Where to Play
If you are reading this, chances are you already got invited.
I have set a temporary web server hosting the game in a private game server. It uses a self-signed TLS certificate. In case you care of such things, its fringerprint follows:
Web Server Certificate Fingerprint
SHA256 07:55:12:9B:D2:53:8A:E5:02:E2:DB:3E:58:59:07:C2:C4:24:28:D7:2A:72:A8:DC:82:3F:FC:04:DF:9C:77:11
The server will be up from now on and until the party is finished, in order to give people time for practicing if they feel so inclined.
A Mumble VoiP service will be set up in order to allow for real time chat. Its TLS certificate follows:
Mumble Server Certificate Fingerprint
SHA256 9B:48:A8:B7:3F:37:CE:5D:E9:9E:82:98:1C:40:6E:C3:21:33:C6:48:D6:CA:16:F1:3E:EB:76:99:3B:F5:5E:51
Date of the Event
The boargame party will be held on January 28th, at 23:00 UTC.